Hello! I’m Adam Michael.

I’m excited to welcome you and congratulate you on taking this step to elevate your creative career. The creative job market is an unforgiving place that lacks feedback and clarity. I’m here to help break down what creative hiring managers at Fortune 500 companies are looking for in top-tier talent and transform you into a candidate who can confidently discuss your work experience and showcase your skills at the most competitive level.

I’m a seasoned Creative Director, Brand Strategist, life, business, and career coach. With two decades of expertise, my goal is to help creatives brag about themselves and achieve their dreams in the creative industry.

If you fell down yesterday, stand up today.

— H.G. Wells

Let me tell you about my experience.

I worked tirelessly at a Fortune 500 company for almost 15 years. Constantly telling myself, “Someday, they will see my experience and promote me”. Well, that never happened. Throughout those years, I interviewed for various senior-level positions. I sent out hundreds of resumes and cover letters and spent weeks prepping and going through days-long interview processes.

I remember my last interview experience with that company. It was for a management position (which I knew I was overqualified for based on my expertise and knowledge of the company). I interviewed with the team for about 16 hours over two days. Don’t get me wrong, everyone was friendly, and this was the dream company I had worked at for more than half my life, but it was exhausting. I contacted the recruiter multiple times over the next month looking for feedback, being completely ghosted. Finally, after about five weeks, he got back to me, but instead of feedback, I received the dreaded, “They decided to go with someone else.”

I was deflated, defeated, and felt worthless like the last 15 years had been for nothing. I know what it’s like going through the job hunting process and investing all this effort and getting zero input back – not able to learn from the failure. The lack of feedback causes you to lose self-confidence and have anxiety, and the longer you don’t find your dream job, the more severe the toll.

I had two choices.

I could continue this endless cycle and become increasingly desperate – or I could change my mindset and take my experience with branding and marketing clients like Apple, Google, Gilead, and Hershey… and apply these strategies to how I promote myself. Over the next two months, I identified my core values, refreshed my resume and portfolio, and reimagined my interview stories to successfully become a Creative Director at one of the best Fortune 500 companies in the world. Not only do I work for a top-30 brand with an incredible, supportive team, but I also increased my income by over 200%!

My framework can guide you to your next dream role through mindset and career coaching. Are you ready to promote the best version of yourself?

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar to you?

I’ve applied to hundreds of jobs…

I don’t understand, I have all the experience they are asking for in the job description and more, but I don’t even get a screening call.

I’ve spent hours re-doing my resume/portfolio…

But the recruiters aren’t contacting me. Everyone says it looks beautiful/amazing/incredible. I’ve applied this amazing design to everything I do, why aren’t I standing out?

I thought we had a great screening call…

We spent what felt like hours on the call! We got along so well! It’s like we were long-lost friends… but then I get an email that they are going in another direction.

I finally got to the interviews…

I thought it went well. I was able to answer all their questions. I was confident and excited about the opportunity. I spent hours researching the company and then went through back-to-back interviews with the entire team… weeks later, I found out they had hired someone else.

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