Land Your Dream Job in the Creative Industry with Expert Guidance and Proven Strategies

One-On-One and Group Coaching to navigate your career from the job search to your next promotion

Struggling to Stand Out in a Competitive Job Market?

The key to landing your next promotion, your dream role, your big break – is all about being able to tell impactful stories that showcase what you bring to the table – from resume, to portfolio, to interviews.

You can’t have a list of boilerplate job responsibilities under each role experience.

You need a resume that celebrates results and shows impact.

You can’t showcase every piece of media you’ve ever created.

You need to curate your portfolio like an executive creative director.

You can’t ramble on about yourself during your interviews overselling your capabilities.

You need competency-based, succinct stories that showcase authentic self-awareness.

You have the experience, you have the talent – you’re worthy – now let’s celebrate and elevate your success and make your next move.

I’m Here to Help


Does this sound familiar?

You’ve applied for hundreds of jobs and never hear from a recruiter. Or you’ll interview with the hiring manager who loves your work – only to find out they hired someone else. Maybe a former colleague you never felt had a great work ethic just got your dream job. They’ve only been in your current position for six months — you’ve been doing the job for five years! The reality is that someone has to get the job eventually.

Let’s do this together!

I’ll help you change your mindset around the job search and career development, provide you with applicable industry-based feedback from my experience as a Fortune 500 Creative Director, guide you through elevating the content in your resume, give you hiring manager insight to curate your portfolio, and prepare you for behavior-based interview formats used at the most successful companies in the world.


The Celebrate & Elevate Program

Celebrate and Elevate, our 8-week program, is built on the foundation of assessing and building your self-confidence and self-worth, allowing you to show up as the authentic, talented, and worthy creative professional on your resume, in your portfolio, LinkedIn, and at the interviews.

Within 60 days of applying to roles with your new resume, you’ll have at least 2 qualified screening calls or interviews guaranteedor you’ll receive a full refund!

To learn more details and apply to participate, setup a 45-min discovery call.

*Within 60 days of applying to roles with your new resume, you’ll have at least 2 qualified screening calls or interviews guaranteedor you’ll receive a full refund!


“The Celebrate & Elevate coaching program transformed my job search from a chaotic and overwhelming process into a structured and successful journey. Adam’s customized approach, including the STAR method, helped me prepare effectively for interviews, boosting my confidence and aligning my responses with what interviewers seek. Adam's genuine care, patience, and personal network support made a significant difference, leading to direct interview opportunities and landing me my new role!”

— Kitty Grier

“Celebrate & Elevate has been a game-changer for me. Before, I was overwhelmed by the job search process, applying to any role that seemed remotely fitting. But Adam helped me refine my search and present myself more effectively. What impressed me most was Adam's personalized approach and genuine commitment to my success. His expertise in graphic design added tremendous value to my digital portfolio, giving it a professional edge. Thanks to Adam, I now have a clear direction and confidence in my career path. If you're struggling to land your dream job, I highly recommend Adam's comprehensive coaching services.”

— Leslie Carter

“I’ve really wanted to tell you that I have completely seen the value in Celebrate & Elevate so far, and with my refreshed resume, I’ve already been offered an interview!! I know we haven’t exactly gotten to that step yet in the program, so of course I’m eager to move forward, but I wanted to tell you that although we’ve only had two sessions. Those sessions have already created an entirely different perspective for me.”

— Danniela Krebs

The Stakes Are Too High

Your next job or promotion could be as little as 8 weeks away. I increased my salary by over 200% in 16 months by landing my dream job with the Celebrate and Elevate method– you could be missing a similar opportunity. Take these steps now:

  1. Schedule a FREE 45-minute Discovery Call Today

  2. Get valuable feedback on your Resume and Portfolio

  3. Practice for behavior-based interviews used at top companies around the world

  4. Land multiple interviews and secure your next big role